Provincial News & Events

Maen Clo Lodge No 1451

A regular meeting of Maen Clo Lodge took place on 30th September when W. Bro. David Charles Thomas, Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Craft in North Wales, was Advanced into the Lodge.

The Ceremony proved to be of the highest standard with the work in the chair being shared by W. Bro. Mel Hill and V.W.Bro. Allan Powell, the signs were explained by V.W.Bro. Phillip Orton whist the working tools were presented to the Advancee by W. Bro. Steven Jones. W. Bro, Andy Chape as Senior Deacon conducted the candidate around the Lodge

The Right Worshipful Provincial V.W.Bro Peter Talbot took the opportunity to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro John Charles Hoult, Provincial Grand Master in the Craft, quite a unique occasion where one Provincial Grand Master presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to another.