September 2023

W.Bro. Roger Pritchard in Romania

In September, W.Bro. Roger Pritchard, P.Prov.G.S.O., a Past Master of Idris Lodge No 821, visited Romania to attend a meeting of the Freemasons Without Borders of Mark Master Masons Lodge 2031. Here is his report.

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Deeside Lodge Centenary

On Friday night our PGM and Provincial Grand Secretary were guests at Deeside Mark Lodge No.795 in Wallasey in the Mark Province of Cheshire, as they celebrated their Centenary.

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PGM visits Northumberland

The PGM accompanied by other members of the Executive kicked off the visiting season with a trip to the PGL of Northumberland held at Hexham.

A fine turnout as the masonic season gets well and truly up and running.

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Idris RAM Elevation

Last night, Tuesday 19th, Idris R.A.M. lodge No 821 Elevated Bro Allan Jones.

In a ceremony conducted by Worshipful Commander Gwynfor Owen and his team, an excellent evening was had by all in attendance.

After a brief meeting of Eifl Lodge of Mark Master Masons the brethren retired to the Glyn Y Weddw hotel for a most convivial festive board.

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Elffin Proclamation

An excellent evening at Elffin Lodge No 321 on Friday the 15th of September 2023 for the Proclamation of W.Bro Iwan Bowen Jones.
The lodge has been through a difficult few years but with 3 Advancees last year and another 3 this year it would appear that the future is looking brighter.
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