Team Visits

Team Visit to GLoIMMM

The last Provincial Team visit of the year took place on the 17th of May when they attended the Gwynedd Lodge of Installed Mark Master Masons (GLoIMMM) at the Masonic Hall in Bangor.

At the meeting, R.W.Bro Peter Talbot, PPGM, delivered a most interesting talk on Masonic attire, in particular aprons, collars and jewels.

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Eifl Lodge Team Visit

Last night in Pwllheli saw a momentous occasion. At a meeting of Yr Eifl lodge No 927 — not only did they have their first Advancee for a few years, it also coincided with a full Provincial Team Visit.

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St Eilian Team Visit

The PGM accompanied by his Provincial Team visited St Eilian Lodge no 360 in Amlwch on the 8th of November.

The first part of the evening was dedicated to the Advancement of Bro. Graham Farrell, which was conducted in an excellent manner thanks to the hard work of all the Lodge Officers involved, and in particular the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Arfon Morgan.

The Provincial Grand Master was then very pleased to present a 50th certificate to W.Bro. John Owens.

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Eryri Lodge Installation 2023

On Wednesday 10th May at Elwy Hall in Rhyl, the RW Provincial Grand Master John Stanley Evans together with the Deputy PGM, Phil Edwards, and numerous others attended Eryri Mark Lodge No. 1973 Installation, to witness W Bro. Andy Chape being Installed as WM.

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Saint Giles Lodge Centenary

On Thursday the 1st September 2022, Saint Giles Lodge of Mark Master Masons no 760 celebrated its centenary.

As well as the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John Stanley Evans, who was accompanied by the Provincial Team and two Past Provincial Grand Masters of the Province, the meeting was honoured by the attendance of the Deputy Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John Herbert Prizeman.

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PGM’s Address at the VPGL

Below you will find the text of the address to the Brethren given by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John S. Evans, at the Virtual Provincial Grand Lodge held via Zoom on the 28th of November 2020. The meeting was attended by a large number of Brethren from across the Province. Also in attendance was R.W.Bro. Ryan Williams, Grand Secretary.

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Suspension of Masonic Activity

On the 17th of March 2020, the Provincial Grand Master issued the following statement:


The Grand Masters of the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall, which includes the Mark and RAM, have jointly agreed an immediate General Suspension of all Masonic Activity for a period of four months.

A similar course of action is being taken by United Grand Lodge of England, the Ancient and Accepted Rite, as well as the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

I fully support this decision and let me say that I have been heartened by the manner in which you have all, particularly our Secretaries and Scribes, approached the uncertainty that we have faced over the past few weeks and days.

I am currently consulting with the members our Provincial Executive to formulate a plan that will ensure that you are all kept fully updated as to future developments, we will communicate this to you as soon as possible.

Please look after yourselves and your families Brethren, keep in touch with each other by phone or email.


Yours sincerely and fraternally,

R.W.Bro. Peter Talbot,

Provincial Grand Master for North Wales.


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