Team Visits

2019 Team Dinner

On 24th May the traditional end of year Dinner for Provincial Officers of the year was held at Elwy Hall Rhyl.

There were 29 Officers in attendance for the informal dinner, a fantastic turnout.

These evenings have been held for over 15 years now and the Officers of the year receive a Certificate from the Provincial Grand Master in recognition of the support they have given him and the Province during the year.

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Dyffryn Clwyd RAM Installation

On 24th September the Provincial Team accompanied the Provincial Grand Master to the Installation Meeting of Dyffryn Clwyd Royal Ark Mariner Lodge.

W. Bro. Graham Sherratt was Installed in an excellent manner by W. Bro. Derek Baldwin who had obviously spent a considerable time in learning the Ritual.

This was the first outing for the new Provincial Team who all seemed to enjoy the evening.

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