Provincial News & Events

PGM to retire from Office in June 2020

On Saturday the 9th of November 2019 the R.W. Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Peter Talbot GMRAC, announced that he would be retiring from office in June 2020. He has asked that the following message be communicated to all Brethren:

R.W.Bro Peter Talbot PGM North WalesIn June 2012, I was Installed as Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of North Wales, having served the Province prior to that as Provincial Treasurer for 11 years and Deputy Provincial Grand Master for 2 years, in all brethren 21 years in an Executive position.

It is my intention to retire from Office at midnight on 19th June, 2020, I have given the matter considerable thought and believe that now is the time for me to offer the opportunity for someone else to have the honour of becoming Provincial Grand Master of this wonderful Province of ours.

I have enjoyed my term of Office immensely, it has taken up a great deal of my time and I am fortunate to have had the support of my wife, Susan, without whose help and understanding I would not have been able to carry out my duties to my satisfaction. I have made friends throughout the country, as far North as Northumberland and South as far as Hampshire but most of all I will remember the friends I have made here, amongst the Brethren of North Wales.

I thank you all for the support and friendship which you have given me during my time in Office and wish you all well in the future, I know that you will give my successor the same commitment and support that you have given me.

I have advised the Grand Secretary of my decision; my successor will be announced in the Spring of next year.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,
R. W. Bro. Peter Talbot,
PGM for North Wales