Provincial News & Events

Mark PGM Installs Craft PGM

A very special Installation ceremony took place on the 29th of April 2024, when the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Masonic Province of North Wales, R.W.Bro. John Stanley Evans, personally Installed the Provincial Grand Master of the (Craft) Provincial Grand Lodge of North Wales, R.W.Bro. John Charles Hoult, into the Chair of Adoniram at Maen Clo Lodge in Rhyl.

The ceremony was very well attended indeed, with Masons from right across the Province, and had been preceded by the Installation meeting of the Maen Clo Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners.

Needless to say, our Provincial Grand Master performed the Installation with great aplomb and skill.

At the Festive Board following the Installation, R.W.Bro. Evans addressed the Brethren:

Tonight is a truly special occasion, one that embodies the very essence of Freemasonry: fellowship and unity. It brings me immense pleasure to see Craft Freemasons and Mark Master Masons of North Wales working together in such a harmonious spirit.

We all enter Freemasonry through the door of Craft Masonry. It is the foundation upon which our journey begins, and it is a foundation we must never forget. As the old adage goes, “We are all Craft Freemasons at birth.” Tonight, with our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master John Charles Hoult taking the chair of Adoniram in Maen Clo Mark Lodge, we are reminded of this very principle.

The Craft, the Chapter, and the Mark are all integral parts of the rich tapestry that is Freemasonry. They represent different aspects of our fraternal journey, but all are ultimately bound by the same core values: brotherly love, relief, and truth. By working together, as we are here this evening, we strengthen not just our individual lodges, but the entire fabric of Freemasonry in North Wales.

Let this gathering serve as a testament to the enduring spirit of cooperation that has always been a hallmark of our fraternity. May we continue to build bridges between our lodges, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.
Together, let us celebrate our shared heritage and look forward to a bright future, where Craft and Mark Masons in North Wales continue to work hand in hand, upholding the noble principles of Freemasonry.

So let us raise a toast, not only to our esteemed Worshipful Master, but to the enduring spirit of cooperation that binds us all together. May the Craft and Mark continue to walk hand-in-hand, enriching the lives and experiences of Freemasons here in North Wales.