
Mark Benevolent Fund Update

The Provincial Grand Master accompanied by the Deputy and Provincial Secretary attended Mark Grand Lodge communication today, where some of the Charities that the Mark Benevolent Fund has supported this year were given a standing ovation for the vital work they do throughout the UK and beyond.

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Eryri Mark Lodge Visit

There was double cause for celebrating at a recent meeting of Eryri lodge of MMM.

The meeting was particularly special for Bro Garry Frost, not only was he advanced into the Mark degree he also presented the PGM with a set of stones.

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Snowdonia Lodge Team Visit

There was a wonderful turnout at the Bangor Masonic Hall on the 16th of November to witness the installation of W.Bro Martin Jones into the chair of Snowdonia Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 259.

Around 70 brethren attended including the Provincial Grand Master and the full Provincial Team.

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