May 2024

Team Dinner 2024

The end of May saw the annual Team Dinner held at Elwy Hall, Rhyl, to thank the Provincial team for their efforts during the past year.

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Buckley Lodge donates £1000 to Star Box

Star Box was created by health care professionals and previous patients to deliver a box of goodies and useful comforting items for new patients receiving cancer treatment on the Shooting Star Unit at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.

Moved by such a good cause, members of Buckley Lodge raised £500 themselves, which was match funded by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of North Wales to make £1000 in total.

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Idris RAM Double Elevation

The Idris Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners no. 821 held a Double Elevation on the 21st of May.

Elevated were Bro. John Williams and Bro. Alan Brown, with Worshipful Commander Pat Butcher being assisted by V.W.Bro. W.G Strain who explained the Signs and W.Bro. Arthur Roberts who delivered the explanation of the Tracing Board.

On this occasion the meeting was held in Barmouth, but Idris Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners is a peripatetic Lodge and also meets in Bala and Pwllheli each year.

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Team Visit to GLoIMMM

The last Provincial Team visit of the year took place on the 17th of May when they attended the Gwynedd Lodge of Installed Mark Master Masons (GLoIMMM) at the Masonic Hall in Bangor.

At the meeting, R.W.Bro Peter Talbot, PPGM, delivered a most interesting talk on Masonic attire, in particular aprons, collars and jewels.

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Provincial Secretary visits Leicestershire & Rutland

On Tuesday the 14th of May, our Provincial Grand Secretary travelled solo to visit the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire & Rutland to represent North Wales. The Provincial Grand Master and his Deputy were unable to go on this occasion, both having to attend to other Masonic Business.

A warm Mark welcome followed by an excellent, friendly Festive Board accompanied by the traditional Secretaries Table Vintage Port.

The only downside was the 4 hour journey home due to the usual overnight roadworks.

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St Mabon Advancement

St. Mabon Lodge No.919 recently held an emergency meeting where it Advanced its third candidate in successive meetings.

The April meeting was attended by 33 members, seven guests and our Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Phillip J. Edwards on what could be one of his last visits of his tenure in office.

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