Provincial Secretary visits Leicestershire & Rutland

On Tuesday the 14th of May, our Provincial Grand Secretary travelled solo to visit the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire & Rutland to represent North Wales. The Provincial Grand Master and his Deputy were unable to go on this occasion, both having to attend to other Masonic Business.

A warm Mark welcome followed by an excellent, friendly Festive Board accompanied by the traditional Secretaries Table Vintage Port.

The only downside was the 4 hour journey home due to the usual overnight roadworks.

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Mark PGM Installs Craft PGM

A very special Installation ceremony took place on the 29th of April 2024, when the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Masonic Province of North Wales, R.W.Bro. John Stanley Evans, personally Installed the Provincial Grand Master of the (Craft) Provincial Grand Lodge of North Wales, R.W.Bro. John Charles Hoult, into the Chair of Adoniram at Maen Clo Lodge in Rhyl.

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PGM visits Derby

The PGM, R.W.Bro. John S Evans, along with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master,  W.Bro. Philip J. Edwards, and the Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Colin A. Lemin, visited the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Derbyshire on the 27th of April.

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Elffin Lodge Advancement

Elffin Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 321 met in Caernarfon on the 15th of March for an Advancement ceremony

The lodge were honoured by a visit from the Provincial Team to what is the PGM’s Mother Lodge.

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PGM Visits York

The PGM, Provincial DC and Provincial Grand Secretary visited the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of North and East Yorkshire at York Racecourse for its annual Mark Provincial Convocation on Saturday the 9th of March.

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