Porthdinllaen Lifeboat Operations Manager and a member of the Eifl Lodge of Mark Master Masons received a British Empire Medal in a special ceremony held at Caernarfon castle on the 19th of April 2024.
Idris lodge 821 held its Installation meeting in Barmouth on the 10th of April. The ceremony was a Proclamation Meeting, carried out by W.Bro. Patrick Butcher, with Worshipful Brother Mark Bennett remaining in the Chair for another year.
The 7th meeting of the Mark Master Masons without Borders Lodge 2031 took place on Saturday 30th March in Castleton Masonic Centre, near Cardiff, which 100 Brethren attended from all parts of Europe, America, India and a brother from Columbia.
The PGM, Provincial DC and Provincial Grand Secretary visited the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of North and East Yorkshire at York Racecourse for its annual Mark Provincial Convocation on Saturday the 9th of March.
A presentation recently took place to Ruabon Masonic Hall of the regalia of the late R.W.Bro. T. Gareth Williams, Past PGM of the North Wales Mark Province. In a special cabinet made by W.Bro. Stewart Cole, on behalf of St Mabon Lodge, it will adorn the walls of the Lodge for time immemorial.
At a recent meeting of Hunter Mark Lodge, which was attended by The PGM and his Deputy, Bro. Grahame Brown was Advanced. Also in attendance was W.Bro. Darren Coleman-Heald from the Mark Benevolent Fund who gave a brief update on what’s happening.