Y Geninen RAM Elevation

At a recent meeting of Y Geninen Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, Worshipful Commander Martin Wynne Jones and his team were delighted to elevate Bro Timothy Owen Evans. Another excellent evening for this thriving lodge.

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Eryri Lodge Installation 2023

On Wednesday 10th May at Elwy Hall in Rhyl, the RW Provincial Grand Master John Stanley Evans together with the Deputy PGM, Phil Edwards, and numerous others attended Eryri Mark Lodge No. 1973 Installation, to witness W Bro. Andy Chape being Installed as WM.

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Buckley Team Visit

On Tuesday 9th May the Provincial Grand Master, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and a large number of the Provincial team attended Hawarden Masonic Hall and a visit to Buckley Mark Lodge No 1703.

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PGM Visits Blackpool

The impressive Winter Gardens, Blackpool was the host venue on the 27th of April when the PGM, Deputy PGM, Provincial Secretary and the Provincial Charity Steward attended the PGL of West Lancashire Mark Master Masons. An excellent day was had by all in attendance.

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PGM Attends West Yorkshire PGL

On Saturday the 15th of April, the the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John S Evans, accompanied by the Deputy PGM and the Provincial Secretary, attended the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting for the Mark Masonic Province of West Yorkshire.

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Mark Benevolent Fund Update

The Provincial Grand Master accompanied by the Deputy and Provincial Secretary attended Mark Grand Lodge communication today, where some of the Charities that the Mark Benevolent Fund has supported this year were given a standing ovation for the vital work they do throughout the UK and beyond.

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