In Memoriam of R.W. Bro. T. Gareth Williams
It was with great sadness that the Province Of North Wales received the news of the passing to higher service of our Past Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. T. Gareth Williams on the 28th of September 2023.
W.Bro. Michael Pugh, P.A.G.D.C., Prov.G.Ch.Stwd.
It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you of the passing to Higher Service of W.Bro. Michael Pugh, P.A.G.D.C., Prov.G.Ch.Stwd.
Mike suffered a stroke at the weekend and passed away on the 17th of August in Walton Hospital.
He was a wonderful friend to many and his passing to Higher Service is great loss to Freemasonry.
PGM Attends West Yorkshire PGL
New Recommendation Form
A new Mark and RAM Recommendation form is available from the Documents page for Masters, Secretaries and Scribes to use to bring the attention of the the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master to members who show particular skill or dedication to your Lodge or to Mark Masonry in general.
New Fillable Forms
Brand new fillable Mark and RAM Provincial Installation Returns and Representative’s Reports are now available to download from the Documents page. Also available is a new Recommendation Form.
Grand Officers’ Luncheon 2022
Attendance, as always, was excellent, with 44 present, including the PGM, Deputy PGM and two Past PGMs.
NEW: Provincial Calendar
By popular demand, a Provincial Calendar has been added to the website. This shows the dates and locations of all Team Visits, along with other important dates such as Provincial Grand Lodge and RAM Assembly.
Provincial Grand Lodge 2022
Old Trafford Visit
However, our Past Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Peter Talbot and his wife Susan together with Deputy PGM W.Bro. Phil Edwards and his wife Rosaleen. W.Bro Mike Pugh and his wife Sandra and Bro. Martin Wynne Jones and his wife Caroline travelled to Manchester and spent an enjoyable weekend away.