Provincial News & Events

150th Mark Benevolent Fund Festival

The 150th Mark Benevolent Fund Festival was held on Saturday 7th July at Lincoln.

The Province of North Wales was well represented with 22 Brethren and their partners having traveled to Lincoln to celebrate the occasion, where it was announced that £853,000 had been raised, of which £11,853 was from North Wales.

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St John Ambulance Dedication at Llandaff Cathedral

Three St. John Ambulances and one Treatment Vehicle were Dedicated on June 23rd at Llandaff Cathedral in the presence of HRH The Duchess of Gloucester, GCVO, GCStJ, the Commandant in Chief, St John Cymru – Wales.

Our Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro Peter Talbot, was in attendance along with R.W. Bro. David Powell, Provincial Grand Master for Monmouthshire, and V.W. Bro. Jeff Clarke, Deputy Provincial Grand Master for South Wales.

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Provincial Team Dinner 2018

The Annual Provincial Team Dinner took place at Elwy Hall Rhyl on 24th May, an enjoyable evening was had by all and the attendance was the most that there has ever been at a Provincial Team dinner – great support.

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Mark Grand Honours 2018

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master has again agreed that the names of those Brethren who are to receive Promotion or Preferment in Grand Lodge may be advised to the Grand Officers, as soon as the recipients have signified their intention to accept the honour.

As responses have now been received from those Brethren concerned, I am pleased to advise you that the following are to be invested at the Communications of Grand Lodge in June & September.

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PGM’s Address at the Provincial RAM Assembly 2018

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Peter Talbot, RAMGR, Member of the Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council, gave the following address at the Provincial RAM Assembly held at Farfield Hall, Connah’s Quay, on Saturday April 7th 2018.

R.W. Bro. Peter Talbot, PGM

“Brethren I welcome you all to this Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly, another fantastic attendance Brethren, I thank you for your support and for the loyalty you have shown to the Province and those Brethren who are to receive Provincial RAM Rank.

We all set ourselves goals, one of mine was to resurrect this RAM Assembly, we re-introduced it in 2014 and it has been a success ever since. Most of the Mark Provinces now have a RAM Assembly and they tend to be most successful.

Let me firstly direct your attention to the meeting of Grand Assembly last December, three Brethren of this Province received RAMGR on that day, W. Bro. John Evans, our Provincial DC, W. Bro. Phil Edwards our Deputy Provincial DC and W. Bro. Richard G. Jones of Idris RAM. All of the recipients fully deserve the rewards of their labours and I congratulate them all once again. Brethren I remind you all that there is no automatic entitlement to either Grand Rank or Provincial Grand Rank either in Mark or RAM and it intrigues me when I hear that Brethren are making certain assumptions on the back of previous appointments for instance, I am more interested in the now and the future Brethren, rather than the past.

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Y Geninen RAM Banner Dedication

On 8th March the Provincial Team visited Y Geninen Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No. 259 at Bangor to Dedicate a new Lodge Banner.

The Dedication Ceremony was conducted by W. Bro. David Alexander Wright, Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the absence of the Provincial Grand Master.

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V.W.Bro. Phillip G Orton Diamond Award

V.W.Bro Phillip G Orton

V.W.Bro Phillip G Orton wearing his Grand Patron Diamond Collarette

At the meeting of North Wales Lodge of Installed Mark Master Masons held on Saturday 17th February at Llanfairfechan, V.W.Bro. Phillip G Orton, PGJO was presented with a Grand Patron Diamond Collarette to recognize the contributions that he has made to the Mark Benevolent Fund.

The Provincial Grand Master congratulated V.W.Bro. Orton and thanked him for the support that he had given to the Benevolent Fund, not only by his donations but also in the way he had delivered so many Lectures throughout the Province explaining the history and the structure of the Fund.

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W.Bro. Derek Moore 50 Year Certificate

On 5th February, the Provincial Grand Master attended at Buckley Mark Lodge to present a 50 Year Certificate to W. Bro. Derek Moore, PPGJW (N & E Yorks).

W. Bro. Moore was advanced into Brough Mark Lodge No. 1170 on 20th October 1967 and was Installed in the Chair of that Lodge in 1971. He joined Buckley Mark Lodge in 2005.

During the meeting W. Bro. John Taylor delivered the Mark Lecture in an exceptional manner, he was congratulated by the Provincial Grand Master on the impressive way in which he had carried out the Ritual.

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