Benevolent Fund

150th Mark Benevolent Fund Festival

The 150th Mark Benevolent Fund Festival was held on Saturday 7th July at Lincoln.

The Province of North Wales was well represented with 22 Brethren and their partners having traveled to Lincoln to celebrate the occasion, where it was announced that £853,000 had been raised, of which £11,853 was from North Wales.

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St John Ambulance Dedication at Llandaff Cathedral

Three St. John Ambulances and one Treatment Vehicle were Dedicated on June 23rd at Llandaff Cathedral in the presence of HRH The Duchess of Gloucester, GCVO, GCStJ, the Commandant in Chief, St John Cymru – Wales.

Our Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro Peter Talbot, was in attendance along with R.W. Bro. David Powell, Provincial Grand Master for Monmouthshire, and V.W. Bro. Jeff Clarke, Deputy Provincial Grand Master for South Wales.

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